Each night our back glass doors leading onto our deck, becomes alive with Green Tree Frogs (Litoria caerulea), appearing from goodness knows where. Most nights we can count 10-15 scattered along the edges of the windows, waiting for moths to come to the light shining from inside. Last week however a record number of 19 were counted in the one area!! I have attached a short instagram video of the 19 frogs to this post.
It is good to note that the frogs are all different sizes, confirming that they are breeding and surviving well at Jarowair. I guess they have learnt quickly that sitting by the widows on the deck is a 'sure thing' as food sources go, plus they have the dogs water bowl to then go and use as a jacuzzi later on. We do not use any sprays or insecticides on our property, hence plenty of spiders to knock down all of the time, but the plus side of this is that we have plenty of insectivore's calling the outside walls and decks home. Many people do not realize the damage they can do to wildlife by spraying their homes for spiders. Geckoes, frogs and microbats all rely on small insects for their diets, and if these insects come into contact with areas that have been previously sprayed, this is a catastrophe for the native wildlife.
Green Tree Frogs (Litoria caerulea) on the deck at Jarowair 23/11/16
Green Tree Frogs (Litoria caerulea) on the deck at Jarowair 23/11/16
Green Tree Frogs (Litoria caerulea) on the deck at Jarowair 23/11/16
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