6th August 2017
These hollow logs, which have been salvaged (from trees that have been cut down in our local area for development) have been given a 'second chance' as a home once again for wildlife today at Jarowair. Brendon has turned the discarded logs into nesting hollows for birds, by adding sturdy tops and bottoms to the cut ends, which both had a natural side hollow entrance already, and has installed them here today in two different sized Eucalyptus tereticornis trees, ready to be loved again by local birds.
Two different types of nest boxes have been crafted by Brendon, with different species in mind. One for Pale-headed Rosellas, and another larger log for Galahs.
It must be time for a nesting box count again at Jarowair as I have well and truly lost count now of how many we have here - I estimate around 35+ different types of artificial homes for wildlife been installed here by Brendon in the last 11 years.
Selecting the tree for the Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Pale-headed Rosellas at Jarowair |
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Pale-headed Rosellas at Jarowair |
Brendon does all the hard work... making the boxes, climbing the ladder and installing these heavy monsters!
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Pale-headed Rosellas at Jarowair |
One down, one to go....Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Pale-headed Rosellas at Jarowair |
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
Checking out the best spot for this very heavy Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
The other "Galah"... my job consists of taking photos on the phone while trying to hold the ladder.. somehow I have taken this picture of myself concentrating on what was happening without even knowing hehe....Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
All installed! Hollow Log Nesting Box Installation for Galah's at Jarowair |
B & J Gray
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