Friday 8th April 2016
Friday morning, we were all standing near the kitchen table, about to all disperse for the day, when we heard the iconic sound of the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo's (Calyptorhynchus banksii) approaching, within seconds three had landed in the large hollow tree in good view of our deck! Quick scramble to get the camera and assemble it, try to open the back door as quietly as possible and creep outside, to end up with two below average photos before they flew off towards the west. The trio consisted of two females and one male, but I only managed photos of one female.
While we do see both the yellow-tail's and the red-tails fly overhead, mostly at sunset, they have not stopped at our place for a very long time... so long in-fact that I see that I have NEVER added a photo of one from our patch to this blog in 10 years!!!
I do remember around 2006-2007 there was a period of a few weeks where quite a few Red-tailed Black Cockatoo's were roosting in an ironbark tree in the centre of our property at the end of the day, and we observed them on our weekend visits to the property. I am sure that I took photos (most likely terrible ones) of them back then... so the search through the un-catagorised digital photo files will be on!!
I will note that our neighbour has had them stopping overnight at their place from time to time over the years though.
Anyway, it was such a great start to the morning to see such majestic birds, even if only for a few seconds.
Judi & Brendon
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Female Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii) Jarowair 08th April 2016 |
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