Yellow Faced Whip Snake at Jarowair this Sunday the 25th of March 2012. This is our first positive sighting of this snake. I do believe that I have seen it in this location before, but at the time I didn't get a good look at the markings on its face.
Brendon spotted this one emerging from some rocks in the garden, while he was in the process of gardening nearby.
Yellow-faced Whip Snake emerging from the rocks 25/03/12

This Photo shows the yellow markings either side of the eye, hence its name Yellow-faced Whip Snake
You can see the brown colourings on the sides emerging. Noted that it has had an injury of somesort also. |

Species name: Yellow-faced Whip Snake (Demansia psammophis)
Other Common names: Whip Snake, Grass Snake
Significance to Humans: Potentially Dangerous. especially if children involved. Bite may cause localised pain & severe symptoms. Apply correct first aid and seek medical attention.
General description: Very slender snake with long, thin whip-like tail. Large prominent eyes. Colour generally pale olive or bluish-grey, often with rusty flush or longitudinal stripes along front-third of body. Belly grayish-green, often yellowish under tail. Distinctive face markings. Obvious pale cream or yellow rim around eye, with dark comma-shaped marking curving back below eye. Dark bar or line with pale edges runs across front of snout from nostril-to-nostril. Scales smooth. Midbody scales at 15 rows.
Average Length: 65-70cm, but specimens up to 80cm have been recorded locally.
Habitat in SE Qld: Dry open areas, open forest, woodland, grassland and a frequent species around homes.
General habits: Swift-moving, alert, diurnal snake. Good vision, active hunter
Diet: Swift, fast-moving lizards such as skinks
This sighting brings us to #10 different snake species seen here at Jarowair :)
Enjoy the pictures!
Judi & Brendon
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